If you are looking for a daycare option for your infant, you may have heard of the Torrance Montessori school method. But what is it exactly and how does it benefit your child?

Nurturing the Child's Natural Drives and Abilities
The Montessori method recognizes that each child is born with a unique set of drives and abilities that guide their development and learning. These include the drive to move, to communicate, to manipulate, to order, to repeat, and to explore.
For example, in a Montessori infant daycare, the child is free to move and explore the environment, which is designed and arranged to suit their needs and preferences. The child is encouraged to choose and start their learning and to follow their own pace and rhythm.
Providing a Child-Centered Learning Environment
The Montessori method is based on the principle that the child is the best teacher of themselves and that the role of the adult is to support and ease the child's learning, not to direct or interfere with it.
For example, in a Torrance Montessori school, the child is treated with respect and dignity, and their individuality and autonomy are honored and valued.
Inspiring the Child's Passion and Compassion
The Montessori method is based on the belief that the child is a natural learner and explorer and that the child's curiosity and creativity are the driving forces of their education. You can also contact them or visit them in person, and see for yourself the benefits of the Montessori method for infants.